Spiritual Practice for Epiphany 2023

During Epiphany we are using the "Spiritual Affective Disorder" series from Worship Design Studios which includes a weekly spiritual practice for us to get over SAD during these winter weeks.

Week 7 (Get Up and Do Not Be Afraid)

Suggestions for keeping the good practices going:


Motivating God, I give you thanks for the courage to live boldly into your promises. Open my eyes to the light possibilities, even when the day ahead holds difficulties. Be with me, near me, beside me.

Week 6 (Walk This Way)

Suggestions for getting yourself moving:


Energizing God, I give you thanks for the gift of movement and my physical body. Open my eyes to the light of possibilities, even when the day ahead holds difficulties. Be with me, near me, beside me.

Week 5 (Little Altars Everywhere)

Suggestions for creating an "Awe-Some" space:


Abiding God,
I give thanks for your steadfast presence in all places. Open my eyes to the light of possibilities, even when the day ahead hold difficulties. Be with me, near me, beside me.

Week 4 (Make My Day)

During this series we're using everyday, ordinary practices in a more intentional way to help us beat the winter blahs with a sense of heightened attention to well-being and gratitude. This week, you are invited to perform a random act of kindness! This could look like paying for a stranger's meal in the drive through behind you or a toll booth, or taking on a family member's chores without being asked, or calling up a friend just to check in, or making a special donation to an organization or non-profit that's important to you. Be creative, and share with someone about what your experience is like. Be humble, but share your feelings.

Week 3 (Lighten Up)

Place these suggestions for laughter somewhere where you will see it every day and remember to expose yourself to something funny. (Remember that if you don't feel like laughing, it is okay---whether you laugh or not, seeing others laugh has benefits).

Some ideas are:


I give you thanks for good humor and joy! Open my eyes to the light of possibilities, even when the day ahead holds difficulties. Be with me, near me, beside me.

Week 2 (Soothe the Soul)

Place this card somewhere where you will see it every day and remember to insert music in some form into your day.

Some ideas are:


God who sang all creation into being, I give you thanks for the sweet harmonies and soul-stirring rhythms that lift up my spirit in the dance of life. Open my eyes to the light of possibilities, even when the day ahead holds difficulties. Be with me, near me, beside me.

Week 1 (Flip the Switch)

Use the Unison Prayer from this Sunday's worship (see below). Write it out on an index card or other piece of paper, changing the pronouns as appropriate. Place the card/paper where you will see it when you start your day, perhaps at your bedside, on a mirror, near your cofee or tea pot, or wherever you will be sure to see it. Start your day with a prayer for God to be near you, guiding you.

Waking God,
we give you thanks for the chance to start fresh every day. Open our eyes to the light of possibilities, even when the day ahead holds difficulties. Be with us, near us, beside us.

Wesley United Methodist Church -- Bakersfield, CA